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Delegation myths

🚨 TOP 7 Delegation Myths, that are Holding You Back 💥

Delegation handover

Delegation is the secret sauce of effective leadership. It’s a time multiplier. Whether you’re leading a small team or a big corporation, mastering the art of Delegation can be the difference between burnout and balance.

Delegation is like that mysterious dish at a potluck—you’ve heard good things, but you’re not quite sure what’s in it. Yet, so many of us hesitate because of some delegation myths that just aren’t true. Let’s bust those myths wide open!

Myth #1: "Delegation Means Dumping Tasks I Don't Want to Do"

The Myth in Action:

One of the most common delegation myths is that people believe delegating tasks is just a fancy way of saying, “I don’t want to do this, so you do it.” It’s seen to pass the buck, dodge responsibility, or just offload work that’s too tedious.

Reality Check:

Delegation is NOT about dumping tasks. It’s about strategically distributing work so everyone’s playing to their strengths. It’s about empowering your team to step up and contribute in meaningful ways.

Imagine you’re building a house. Would you do everything yourself – the plumbing, electricals, wiring, etc? Of course not! You’d bring in experts for each job to ensure the house is solid. Similarly, Delegation is a process of bringing together different people to build a power-packed team by assigning tasks that help everyone grow.

Delegation is not dumping tasks

Action Tip:

Delegating isn’t just about lightening your load; it’s about unlocking your team’s potential. So, delegate tasks based on the strengths & interests of individuals.

Myth #2: "Delegation Means Losing Control"

The Myth in Action:

This delegation myth is around the fear factor. Many worry that by delegating, you’ll be left out of the loop, with no say in the outcome. It’s like giving someone else the keys to your favourite car and fearing they’ll crash it.

Reality Check:

Delegation doesn’t mean losing control; it means sharing responsibility. You’re simply allowing someone else to take the lead while you provide guidance and oversight.

Think of yourself as a conductor of an orchestra—you’re not playing every instrument, but you’re guiding the musicians to create a masterpiece. You still shape the outcome; you’re just focusing on the big picture rather than every instrument.

Delegation is sharing responsibilities

Action Tip:

Delegation means sharing control rather than losing it. Set clear expectations and check-in points to keep things on track. You’re still in control, but you’re allowing your team to shine.

Myth #3: "It's Quicker to Do It Myself"

The Myth in Action:

“I can do it myself, much faster,” Sound familiar? The clock’s ticking, and explaining a task feels like a time sink. After all, who’s got time to teach someone else when deadlines are breathing down your neck? This delegation myth is about conceived notion of productivity.

Reality Check:

Sure, it might seem quicker to do it yourself *today*, but that’s a short-term view. In the long run, you are stuck in a time trap. By not delegating, you’re stuck in a cycle of doing everything yourself, which means you’re constantly in “busy mode” and never in “strategic thinking mode.” On the contrary, by investing time in Delegation, you’re freeing up your future self to focus on more strategic tasks.

Imagine planting a tree—you show someone how to plant one, and soon enough, you’ve got a whole forest growing with so many helping hands around, which wouldn’t have been possible all alone!

Action Tip:

Think of Delegation as a time investment. Yes, it takes effort upfront, but the payoff is worth it. And who knows? Your team might even surprise you by finding better ways to do things.

Myth #4: "Only I can do it with the best output"

The Myth in Action:

“No one can do this as well as I can.” So, you end up doing everything yourself, convinced that no one else will be able to match your level of effectiveness. This delegation myth, surrounds around the perfection syndrome.

Reality Check:

You might be awesome at what you do, but that doesn’t mean others can’t step up. Delegation isn’t about finding someone who does things exactly like you; it’s about trusting your team to get the job done, possibly with their twist. You might even discover a new, better way to do things!

Action Tip:

Focus on the outcome, not the process. If the result meets your standards, does it really matter how they got there? So, let go of the need to follow your way of doing instead, encourage innovation and their style of implementation.

Delegation is long term investment

Myth #5: "Delegation Is a Sign of Weakness"

The Myth in Action:

“Real leaders do everything themselves.” Sound familiar? There’s a misconception that asking for help is a sign of incompetence. This delegation myth revolves around mental insecurities of power and prowess.

Reality Check:

This myth plays on our insecurities. In reality, clinging to every task isn’t heroic—it’s exhausting.
Delegation is actually a sign of strength and leadership. It shows that you’re confident enough to let others take the reins, you trust your team, and you’re not afraid to share the spotlight.

Think of yourself as a general commanding an army —you don’t fight every battle yourself; instead, you delegate and strategize. It makes you smart and effective.

Action Tip:

Delegating is about being a smart leader. You’re not just sharing tasks; you’re building a team that can handle anything, which in turn makes you stronger.

In fact, the most effective leaders are those who know when to step back and let their team step up. Thus, delegating doesn’t diminish your strength, but rather, it amplifies your impact.

Myth #6: "My Team Isn't Ready for More Responsibility"

The Myth in Action:

You might think your team is not ready to take on tougher roles, bigger tasks, etc. So, you are kind of protecting your team by not delegating the tougher tasks.

Reality Check:

Your team is likely more capable than you give them credit for. People often fill to the required cadence, and scale up to the occasion when given the chance. If you never let them stretch their wings, how will they ever learn to fly?

Think of your team as seedlings. Without sunlight, water, and room to grow, they’ll never reach their full potential. Delegating tasks isn’t about piling on pressure—it’s about nurturing growth. It’s about giving your team the challenges they need to develop their skills and prove their worth.

Action Tip:

Your team is ready—even if it doesn’t feel like it right now. Sure, they might stumble at first, but that’s how they’ll learn, grow, and ultimately thrive. So, go ahead and share that responsibility. You might be surprised at just how much they can handle.

Myth #7: "Delegation Is Only for Managers & Bosses"

The Myth in Action:

Delegation is often seen as something that only the managers, leaders, bosses, and CXOs are entitled to do. This delegation myth is universal, and often the biggest blocker for delegating tasks sidewards, among colleagues and peers.

Reality Check:

Delegation isn’t reserved for those with fancy & bigger executive titles. It’s a skill everyone should use. Whether you’re an intern, an entry-level employee, or the CEO, Delegation is crucial. It’s about knowing your strengths, knowing your colleague’s strengths, recognizing when you need help, and being willing to collaborate. It helps you focus on what matters most while empowering those around you.

Imagine you are part of a team working on a big project. You’re great at research but not so hot at design. Instead of struggling through, you delegate the design work to a colleague who loves it. Now, your project isn’t just finished—it’s polished. ✨ And you’ve saved yourself hours of frustration.

Delegation is not just for bosses

Action Tip:

You don’t need a title to delegate. Delegation is about recognizing your strengths and those of others and then using them to achieve the best results.

It’s about collaboration, not hierarchy. So don’t be afraid to delegate sideways—or even upwards! Delegation is a two-way street, and everyone benefits when it’s used wisely.

Delegation Myths aren't easy to walk over!

Let’s acknowledge the fact that, Delegation myths aren’t so easy to walkover. These are mental blockers, and will take time to overcome. Having said that, they are not too difficult either, when you realize the quantum of benefit they add up to.

When you strip away these delegation myths, it’s becomes more clear and evident that Delegation is a superpower. It’s not about weakness, dumping tasks, or losing control. It’s about strategy, growth, and leadership. It’s about trusting your team, empowering them to shine, and giving yourself the space to lead with vision.

Summary: Delegation is Your Superpower and your time-multiplier!

Delegation is that superpower, that can multiply your time exponentially. Don’t allow these delegation myths to block your growth potential.


– Delegation isn’t about perfection; it’s about progress.
– Delegation isn’t about losing control; it’s about gaining perspective.
– Delegation isn’t a sign of weakness; it’s a sign of smart leadership.

So, the next time you hesitate to delegate, ask yourself: am I holding onto a myth? And if so, what would happen if I let it go?

Delegation myths debunked