Bhagavad Gita
Bhagavad Gita

Insights from the Bhagavad Gita: Powerful lessons for Project Managers – Part1

Discover Top Tips to become a successful project manager, with illustration from Bhagavad Gita. Learn actionable insights on clarity, strategy, communication, leadership, and adaptability to navigate the stormy seas of project management with confidence and success.

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Unlock the Magic of a Team, by Transforming 1+1+1 into an output Greater than 3
Unlock the Magic of a Team, by Transforming 1+1+1 into an output Greater than 3

5 proven ways to Unlock the Magic of a High Performing Team: Translating 1+1+1 into an output GREATER than 3

High-performing-team is NOT formed by arbitrarily assembling random individuals. It requires deliberate selection, with careful consideration and a strategic vision of producing an output greater than the sum of individuals. Follow 5 proven ways to Transform your team into a powerhouse of collective brilliance.

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4 simple, yet powerful steps & a ready template, to effectively define “Roles & Responsibilities”

Clearly defining Roles & Responsibilities at the start of the project is critical, to setting the right tempo, strategy & pathway. Follow 4 simple steps and a ready-to-use template, listed in this article, to clearly define & implement R&Rs. And set your project for success and also add an accelerated trajectory, to every employee’s career growth.

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