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Constant learning is the key, to stay relevant. External Vs Internal motivation, is the sustainability factor, to keep learning

Best way to stay Relevant: Lessons from LION and DEER in the Wild

In our fast-changing world, staying attuned to the latest skills and technology is an essential expectation, to stay relevant. To give a quick insight, around 2009 up to 2012 – cloud computing, social media, big data, mobile apps, and 3D printing were trending. Later, from 2013 to 2018 – IoT, Bitcoin, Blockchain, Machine Learning, Virtual Reality, Drones, autonomous vehicles, and 5G were in trend. From 2019 till 2023 – AI, chatbots, eCommerce, Metaverse, and Web3 are ruling the technology world.

Thus, as technology evolves, we need to constantly keep relevant with the latest trends and associate with changes. However, People usually fall into two distinct groups: First, are those proactive frontrunners, who seize the opportunity to master new skills, overcome challenges, and become leaders. Then, there’s the second group, who are to be pestered to catch up with evolving demands to remain relevant. Have you ever wondered, the magnitude of this variance, in their approach to learning?

The Distinct Paths to Skill Enhancement

A significant contrast is evident, in the learning journeys adopted by these two groups. Let’s take a closer look, at comparison with the two animals of the jungle.

Every day, a lion and a deer engage in a race against time. Each of them is running their race, not just against each other, but against the uncertainty of survival. The ultimate objective of their activities is crystal clear: “Survival of the fittest.” However, a fundamental distinction lies in their motivations for running.

For the deer, running is a matter of escape mechanism. It sprints only as long as there is a chase by a predator – the lion. Here, the driving force for the deer’s movement is external, a chasing entity. A deer needs continuous external stimulus, to keep the moving.

Conversely, the lion runs with the intent of catching its prey. Its run is fuelled by its innate hunger, which is an internal drive. For the lion, no external push, motivation, or reward is required. The lion’s intrinsic hunger is the self-trigger.

Imagine, if all the predators are taken away from the jungle, then deer might not run at all. A few years down the line, it might even forget the skilful running. And now, if the lions are brought back to this jungle, then deer stand no chance of survival. They would have lost relatively and wouldn’t be relevant any more to the running skills.

Did you notice the distinct clarity of purpose and the variance in them? 

The Power of Purpose and the “WHY” Factor

The WHY factor

The lion and deer analogy vividly illustrates the distinction between external and internal motivation. It underlines the significance of identifying the purpose and the “WHY” factor behind actions and relevant meaningful progress.

Numerous parallels can be drawn from this scenario.

For instance, consider the goal of losing weight & getting slim. If the motivation stems from external influences or societal pressure, then your motivation might wane off soon. However, if the aspiration is due to health considerations or an internal desire to overcome challenges, then commitment is likely to be unwavering. You are even ready to gulp those bitter tablets and eat bitter gourd too. Thus, the driving force determines the strength of actions, and eventually the outcome to stay relevant to the goal.

Imagine being asked to run a few kilometres – if it’s mandatory or punishment, you might resort to excuses to avoid it. Conversely, if the run is fuelled by a medical emergency to save your loved one, then you’d likely surpass the distance unconsciously, driven by urgency. It’s the personal interest that ignites extraordinary effort. Thus, the driving force determines the strength of actions, and eventually the outcome to stay relevant to the goal.

Similarly, when you write articles as a job, without a passion, it’s very casual. It might involve very minimal proofreading. However, if it’s your genuine passion, then rigorous editing, refining, and crafting becomes a standard practice. You will pour your heart & soul into every word, perfecting it, until it shines. Thus, the driving force determines the strength of actions, and eventually the outcome to stay relevant to the goal.

Likewise, while choosing between unappealing commitments versus pursuing a passion, time management differs. The calendar might suddenly appear jam-packed for the former. Whereas, when passion fuels the activity, time becomes available, even amidst the busiest schedules. It becomes an unconscious priority.

The same goes for coding, testing, graphic designing, website creation, UX designing, hair cutting, cooking, teaching, reading, motoring etc. For that matter, every passionate job.

This analogy extends beyond individuals, to corporate companies. Remember Nokia, the brand we once associated with phones? Kodak, the company that was synonymous with photography? Orkut, where we made our first digital friends? Many other giants like Blackberry, AOL, MySpace, Compaq, etc. failed to adapt & stay relevant. Eventually, they succumbed to their competitors, who kept flourishing through the change.

The downfall of these major giants is a constant reminder, that failing to evolve and upskill, is a sure path to devastated surrender to competitors.

In essence, tasks driven solely by external pressures lack sustainability. They inevitably dwindle over time. On the contrary, a well-defined purpose doesn’t need any follow-ups or extrinsic motivation. Individuals or organizations propelled by an innate ardour are self-sufficient, fuelled by their fervour to excel.

Popular Learning models, to stay relevant

For those, who consider themselves lion learners, there are several popular learning models and frameworks, to stay updated and relevant. Each of them emphasizes a combination of specialized knowledge and broad skills. Here are a few most popular ones:

T-Shaped Learning

The vertical stem of “T” represents deep expertise in one specific area. The top horizontal bar of “T” represents association with a broad range of skills & knowledge, cross-discipline competencies, and the ability to relate to other areas in other industries. 

I-Shaped Learning

This model focuses on deep expertise in a single field, like the vertical stroke of the T-shaped model. But, unlike “T” there is not much branching & association with other fields.

L-Shaped Learning

This model, focuses on deep expertise in one area (the vertical stroke) and basic familiarity with another field (the small horizontal stroke at the bottom). It’s a simplified version of the T-model, emphasizing a secondary area of knowledge.

Π (Pi)-Shaped Learning

In this model, two vertical strokes of the Pi, symbolize 2 specialized knowledge areas, while the horizontal bar represents the ability to connect and integrate these areas effectively.

E-Shaped Learning:

E-shaped learners are specialists in their primary area (represented by the vertical bar of the E), but they also have proficiency in various related fields (represented by the horizontal arms of the E).

Δ (Delta)-Shaped Learning

Delta-shaped learners have expertise in three interconnected areas. It symbolizes expertise and connection with three areas of knowledge, which may be slightly related. This allows to handle multidisciplinary projects.

O-Shaped Learning

O-shaped learners are generalists with a well-rounded skill set and knowledge in multiple areas but may not possess deep expertise in any single field. The O symbolizes their holistic approach to learning.

H-shaped Learning

This model combines deep expertise in 2 related areas (represented by 2 verticals). The horizontal line represents the ability to deeply connect between 2 specialized knowledge fields.

X-Shaped Learning

In this model, individuals possess expertise in two entirely different fields or domains, represented by the two intersecting lines of the letter X. This model advocates individuals to bring in symphony and relate the knowledge that can bridge two seemingly unrelated fields.

Similarly, there are many other lesser-known learning models. These various learning models cater to different learning preferences and career goals. Depending on your interests, aspirations, and specific demands, you can adopt a suitable learning model. Ultimately, each model encourages a ratio between specialization and interdisciplinary skills.

The T Learning Model: It’s a Game-Changer


Today, acquiring a single skill or acing solo in one field is not sufficient; the Expectation is to become a well-rounded, adaptable individual. So, deciding on a suitable learning model gives a head start.

The “I” model showcases full control & extreme expertise in one area, but it cannot help to relate to other technologies. Similarly, the “L” model is too basic, and “O” is too generic to get into detailed discussions of any specific field. Thus staying relevant to the tunes of changing pace, could be a challenge with these models.

On the contrary, “E”, “Π”, “H”, and “Δ” are advanced levels, and expect to have expertise in 2 or more related fields. “X” is extremely advanced, where expertise is usually in 2 unrelated fields.

Thus, the “T” model is the groundbreaker. It’s not too complex, but at the same time, gives the right start to command in one field, and connects well, with all other related fields. Effectively binding to this learning model, will prove to be a game changer.

The vertical bar of “T” is related to your passion, your niche, and your area of mastery. You become the go-to person for that topic, and you become a superpower, in that specific field. But here’s the thing: having only this vertical stroke might limit your ability to understand surround technologies, and collaborate with others. That’s where the horizontal stroke comes in. The horizontal of T represents the ability to connect ideas across various fields. That’s the magic of the horizontal stroke.

Let’s say you’re a brilliant coder (vertical stroke of T). By developing a broader understanding of related technologies (horizontal stroke of T), you could use your coding skills to automate testing, create a game, design a website, or even analyse data for scientific research. You can also relate to front-end user experience (UX) design, project management, marketing, sales, product launch etc. You can speak the language of different departments in a company and bridge the gaps between them.

Suddenly, your expertise becomes more relevant and versatile. It aids in connecting the dots, across different technology, applications, and industries.

Inherent calibers of T Learners

T Learners have a lot of differentiators, as they can corelate their own specialization with the external opportunities, and demands of the evolving technologies. Here are  some very evident dimensions, that T Learners develop.

1. Problem-Solving: T-shaped learners are excellent problem solvers. They can captivate opportunities and address challenges, from multiple angles. This makes them priceless in the workplace, and always relevant to the needs of the industry.

2. Versatility: In today’s job market, employers value versatile employees. They want someone who can wear different hats and understand changing needs. T-shaped learners fit this bill perfectly, thus future-proofing the career.

3. Interdisciplinary Collaboration: Our interconnected world, demands extreme collaboration between experts from different fields and is gaining a lot of importance. When one can communicate effectively with people from various fields, collaboration becomes a breeze. T-shaped learners are the glue that holds cross-functional teams together.

4. Career Growth: As a T-shaped learner, you’re not limited to one career path. You’ll be surprised by the chances & connections you can make across other subjects, and with people from different industries. It’s like having multiple doors open.

5. Innovation: Many groundbreaking innovations happen at the intersection of different fields. T-shaped learners often drive these innovations because they can connect the dots between disciplines. For instance, durable battery charging systems, clubbed with the automotive industry, have given birth to EV automobiles.

T-shaped learning is like having the best of both worlds – deep expertise in one area and the ability to adapt and collaborate across multiple domains. It’s a game-changer model that can immensely boost your career, by helping stay relevant with the changes, across horizontal & vertical bars. You can also pivot to innovation and problem-solving in the vast landscape of things. So, embrace the T-model, and let your learning journey take a flight!

Choosing Your Path: Lion or Deer?

Constant learning, to stay relevant, is an undeniable truth. The crux of the matter lies in motivation – external versus internal.

In the grand theatre of life, you are free to choose your role. Are you the lion, charging forward, with self-driven determination & passion? Or are you the deer, driven by external forces & influences? External motivation is not sustainable and will fizzle out over time. Sooner or later, the deer group will cease to exist, as they will soon become irrelevant to the evolving industry if they don’t choose to proactively learn & adapt.

Will you be a lion or a deer? Choose wisely, for your choice will determine whether you thrive or get eaten up by your competitors. It will determine whether you merely exist or genuinely flourish. Because, in this vast wilderness of opportunities, it’s ONLY the inner fire that will light the way to greatness, growth, and success.

So, Let your inner lion roar! Ignite learning, driven by inner passion and purpose.

To stay relevant, choose internal motivation