Bhagavad Gita
Bhagavad Gita

Insights from the Bhagavad Gita: Powerful lessons for Project Managers – Part1

Discover Top Tips to become a successful project manager, with illustration from Bhagavad Gita. Learn actionable insights on clarity, strategy, communication, leadership, and adaptability to navigate the stormy seas of project management with confidence and success.

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Effective feedback mechanism
Effective feedback mechanism

The BEST feedback approach, Beyond the Conventional “SANDWICH method” – PART3 of feedback series

The traditional 'SANDWICH' feedback mechanism, isn’t effective, and will leave the receiver more confused. Follow a more powerful “SKEWED-SANDWICH” Feedback method to provide actionable insights and a growth trajectory.

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Unlock the Magic of a Team, by Transforming 1+1+1 into an output Greater than 3
Unlock the Magic of a Team, by Transforming 1+1+1 into an output Greater than 3

5 proven ways to Unlock the Magic of a High Performing Team: Translating 1+1+1 into an output GREATER than 3

High-performing-team is NOT formed by arbitrarily assembling random individuals. It requires deliberate selection, with careful consideration and a strategic vision of producing an output greater than the sum of individuals. Follow 5 proven ways to Transform your team into a powerhouse of collective brilliance.

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Either stadium or boardroom, leadership skills are required
Either stadium or boardroom, leadership skills are required

From Stadium to Boardroom: TOP 3 Leadership Skills to succeed

Leadership skills are invaluable and draw many parallels in the world of sports and corporate. Just as athletes need strong captaincy on the field, businesses require capable leaders to navigate…

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